Thursday, October 7, 2010

Saying Goodbye to Oregon and Hello Moses Lake,Washington

Well I got a later start on the road then I wanted to today but it was ok.  We had a episode last night...the wind was blowing bad during the night and at 4am we heard a siren and we thought o great its a Tsunamu warning.  No it wasnt the wind was blowing so hard it made my car alarm go off.  So not only did it wake all of us up but all the people left on my Grandma's block.  Then to top it off I couldnt find my car keys so I was looking all over for them.  When we finally got it turned off we all went back to bed.  It ended up messing up our schedule cause we all slept in since we were so tired.  I said my goodbyes and headed out.
  First stop..VooDoo Doughnuts.  I found it really easy and stood in line to get my Maple Bacon Bar.  And yes I really did have to stand in line.  The place is so small that only about 5 people can be in there at a time.  I got some other doughnuts to try also like the Blunt Doughnut and one with cocoa puffs on it.  The Maple Bacon Bar was the best but then again anything with bacon would be good.  The coca puffs one was ok but I wouldn't get it again and I haven't eaten the Blunt Doughnut.  O and if your wondering why I went was on the food or maybe travel channel and they sell all kinds of weird doughnuts.  I almost got a penis one but I felt it wasn't worth the $7.00 just to take a picture of it haha.
  Second stop was at Multnomah Falls.  I didn't go up to it since i've been there before but I like stopping there kinda like a rest area place.  Plus I wanted to try my doughnuts haha. 
  After that it was back on the road.  It rained the whole drive and I got lost in the Tri-Cities area for about 45 minutes.  I was getting so pissed I just about cried just to let it all out.  The road kept taking me everywhere I didn't want to go and I could see the sign that I needed but no way to get there.  Finally I figured it out and was able to cross the bridge and get on the correct road.
  I got to Moses Lake around 6:30pm and had a nice visit with my Great Grandma Donna.  Its been about 4 years since i've seen her.  It's always nice to see family when you don't get to see them that often.
Miles Gone Today:466

Me, Grandma Warner,Tony,Karla and Sabastien

Front of VooDoo Doughnuts

The line to get into VooDoo Doughnuts

Me about to try the Maple Bacon Bar

Me smoking on the Maple Blazer Blunt Doughnut

Multnomah Falls,Oregon

Going into the tunnel on Oregon highway and yes I honked going through

Barge on the Columbia Gorge on the other side of the Gorge is Washington

John Day Dam,Oregon

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