Sunday, October 17, 2010

Part one of Today

I'm waiting for my clothes in the wash and so to keep warm I thought I would blog.  I believe it was colder and still is colder then 38 degrees.  I froze my ass off (well not really but just in speaking terms).  I was so dang cold I didn't even want to get up this morning.  Seriously if I could have pee'd in bed just so I didn't have to get up I would have stayed there all day.  Gross but it was so cold.  Don't worry folks I made it to the restroom which I think my body wanted cause it was alot warmer in there.  Heck if it was sanitary I might have slept in there to get away from the cold but then again gross.  Seriously the things you think of when freezing.  Some of the hunters that are camped here in their trailers came over when I got out of my tent and said last night they had a bet to see if I was going to last all night or not, haha I don't even know these people and they were betting on me.  I asked if I get part of the winnings for the person who voted that I would stay.  They said no money was involved ( now what kinda bet is that?) but that I had balls to sleep out here in the cold.  I told them see this body ( pointing to myself) it stores alot of heat.  ( I was trying to act like it was all good but the whole time was thinking ya you don't even know how cold I was).  I then told them why do you think people hook up with big people at winter time, its cause we have lots of body heat to keep them warm.  They laughed and said I was an alright girl and wished me luck on my travels.  Then off they just left to go pheasant hunting.
  So now im just waiting for my clothes then im outta here.  O and update I made it so that the comments are not looked at first since people were having trouble leaving me a comment.  I found out you had to be registered on my blog to leave a comment were now you can just leave one.  If you don't have like a google ID then you can just put it anonymous and put your name.
  Well everyone going to go check my clothes write more later.


  1. Thanks for the laugh!! Can't wait to see where you go next!!

  2. That's so funny that some random hunters were making bets on you!! Sounds like it was hella cold!! =( Glad everything is going good!! =)

  3. I just love your stories of adventure. I sure miss my buddy. I can't wait to read more. Love ya girl, Wendy G.
