Saturday, October 16, 2010

Bummer Dude

I messed up today.  I knew there was a reason I wanted to stay in Rapid City one more day but since I couldn't remember what it was I cancelled tonight's reservation.  So what do I do I left and headed towards Mitchell,South Dakota.  Tonight is my last night in South Dakota and though its a cold one, I have an awesome view of Lake Mitchell from my campsite.  If anyone should come this way in an rv or tent camp here at Lake Mitchell Campground.  Right now im blogging at the table right next to the fire.  Glad I finally get a camp place that has a fire pit and will let me make fire.  The Roof, the roof, the roof is on fire we don't need no water let the MF burn.  (I kept it rated G for the older adults and some of the younger and now you will have that song stuck in your head haha).
  So anyways like I was saying I left Rapid City and headed out to the Badlands NP.  It was only about an hours drive.  It was pretty cool to see.  It was all this weird rock but not rock formations.  Actually its called Popcorn soil-is formed when clay is mixed with sand and silt it then absorbs water and dries out swelling and then shrinking over time.  I also saw some bighorn sheep, though their horns really weren't that big.  They were just chilling getting their grub on right beside the road.  When I took a picture they would just stop and look at me like dang girl haven't you ever seen a bighorn sheep eat  before, move on your interrupting my eating time.   So I did.
  Then what the bummer is, is that I wanted to go to the last park for me to complete South Dakota at the Minuteman Missile NHS and when I get there they are closed on weekends.  Duh, now I remembered why I wanted to stay in Rapid City one extra day.  It was so I could have gone to the Missile yesterday and Mt Rushmore today.  So now I have to wait and come back again to complete South Dakota.  Guess I will just have to visit Rapid City again, o darn.  But seriously I was bummed that I couldn't complete my stamps for the state. 
  So since I had a reservation at Lake Mitchell I ended up getting here earlier then I thought.  Which ended up being fine.  I put up my tent, arranged my car-now pulling out my warmer clothes and putting other junk in my top carrier.  I then headed off to the famous Corn Palace.  The pictures are all really made of corn.  Its pretty cool to see them made like that.  Inside it shows the picture of what every year's looked like since they started doing it.  There is also a gym/ concert area in the center of it.  Other then that not much.  So glad it was free, and who doesn't like free.  After that I drove around town and then went and ate at a mom and pop place called Fanny's Haven and they have really good fried chicken.  Actually it was more like a grandma and grandpa place cause the owners were so old. (no offense to the older group who read this).
  After eating dinner I went back to camp and started a fire.  ( which at this time im on my second bag of wood, its getting freakin cold out here and suppose to be 38 tonight.)  I then sat and watched the sunset.  It's nothing like a  beach sunset that's for sure.  The trees by the river were blocking watching the sun go all the way down but it was still nice.  My final South Dakota sunset.
  Tomorrow im just going to do laundry here and then pickup camp and take a shower ( and probably in that order) .  Then I am heading to Decorah, Iowa for the night.  Its about a 5 1/2 hr drive.  I don't know whats on the way but I will find out once I hit the road.  I'm finding it harder and harder to find somewhere to camp.  Most places are already closed for the season or they think im nuts for camping in the cold.  So once again Super 8 will be my home.  I am going to look more once I get to the hotel tomorrow for places to camp and look for more then just a day ahead of time.  There are two national parks in Iowa and I think I get do both on Monday.  Tomorrow will just be a driving day.
 Ps I heard that Rocks of Two Penis's was alittle over the top haha for some so I will PG-13 it to Dick's  Haven haha  or do any of you have a better name for it?
Miles Gone Today 310
Badlands NP South Dakota

Badlands NP

One of the goats I interrupted eating

me at the Badlands NP

my camp at Lake Mitchell, Mitchell South Dakota

my view (im so lucky and for only $15 this is what I get)

The famous Corn Palace

some of the stuff made from corn

do you see the layers of corn in this picture


my last South Dakota sunset for now


  1. We enjoyed The Amanas when we were in Iowa. Old Timer suggested you check it out. Think there are a group of three little towns, called something like Mid-Amana, Little Amana, etc. Interesting place with good german food, wine tasting, museums, etc.

  2. Thanks tomorrow I am staying in Cedar Rapids but I will go there on Tues to visit that area. ITs not out of my way and its close by.
