Friday, October 15, 2010

Bear Country and Mt. Rushmore South Dakota

I can't believe its only 6:30pm here and im tired.  What the heck is up with that.  I should be at Custer having a drink with the boys haha.  Yes Aunt Glenna I will be safe.  Actually I wont be going.  So today was pretty fun and it was such a nice day.  I want to say that the people are so friendly around here and it makes me feel good.  Everyone talks to each other like old pals.  Either that or its how everyone is outside of California.  I actually won't mind looking for a job around here.  It's on my list of places to check out.  Tomorrow when I go down to get breakfast I will check the paper. 
  So today I didn't really do alot but I still had fun.  I woke up kinda late but was fine with it.  I first stopped at Bear Country Park.  It's right off the 16 outside of Rapid City.  Its one of those drive through parks.  I had so much fun watching all the animals especially of course the bears.  First these two bears were blocking the entrance to their area so no cars could go in and while they blocked it another bears was sniffing the cars.  There were some cars it stood up on and tapped its paw on the passengers window.  Mine it just walked by but then grabbed my big wheel thing in the back.  I thought o great it smells my food.  There were wolves, elk,buffalo,mountain lions, I think their called mountain sheep or something like that and some more animals I forgot.  They also have a baby area where you get out and walk around and see all the baby animals.  I recommend it for anyone who comes in this area kids or no kids it was cool.
  After spending about 2 hours there I headed over to Mt. Rushmore.  If you talk the 244 from Hill City to Mt Rushmore you will pass this place I have named (Warning not for the young to read) Rocks of Two Penis's.  Why you ask? Cause there were two rocks that looked to me like Penis heads.  I know my mind was in the gutter but I couldn't help it.  I mean come on if you were with me you would have thought the same thing.  Just wait till you scroll down and see the pictures then tell me they don't.  But I guess if no one thinks like I do then I really need a piece cause my mind had just wondered haha.  Anyways im sure others have seen them and named it something else but that's what im calling it.  O and its on the right, right past Wrinkled Rock, haha get it haha.  Wrinkled then Penis ok never mind I will stop.  So..
  On to Mt. Rushmore I went.  It was cool, but honestly I think still Crater Lake has been the best. It was such a nice day to view it.  They have a nice visitor center with some videos on the making of Mt. Rushmore.  I stayed there for awhile just looking at everything and then I sat and had an ice cream while watching the view. 
  After leaving Mt. Rushmore I headed over to Keystone.  It's basically like a tourist town and it is made to look all old western.  It was nice but I didn't stop to see anything.  I wasn't in the mood to shop.
  I then headed over to this winery called 3 Rednecks.  Why me when I don't even drink wine, you ask?  Honestly cause of the name.  It sounded funny so I wanted to go in.  I thought maybe I would buy a bottle for someone.  So surprise surprise I ended up trying 2 wines.  I could have tried up to 5 but I stopped at two.  The first one was called Pumpkin Bog and it actually tasted pretty good.  The lady said that there was no grapes in it, that it was pumpkin with cranberry wine.  Then I thought I would try the wine that got me in the place..3 Rednecks.  It was gross and smelled gross.  I'm sure for a wine drinker it would have been good but not for me.  I had to stop after that one cause I started to feel hot and I knew if I drank other I was in for it.  Wine knocks me out fast and gives me the worse headache.  I ended up leaving with no wine.  I decided against it but it was fun to try them anyways.  O the reason I didn't buy one was because yesterday I did a party foul and dropped the rest of my Root Beer Vodka on the ground when I opened up my back door.  All I thought was I have a long ways to go and don't want to drop another bottle.  After drinking that I almost turned around to go back to Custer but then decided just to head back to Rapid City.  I got some Subway and am now kicking back.  I did meet some more people here in my hotel room, actually their room is next to mine.  It started with me trying to get into the place and this dude opened the door for me, then I got ice and he was there then I went upstairs and he was coming into the building.  So we started talking.  Him and his buddies he works with asked me to go have a drink with them but I declined.  No so much cause I don't know them but because I couldn't hardly understand him (with I think some missing teeth and an accent) so how was I suppose to understand him while drinking? haha.  No im safer in the room.
 Tomorrow morning im heading out to complete the rest of the national parks here in South Dakota and then im making my way to Mitchell,SD for the night.  You know where the Corn Palace is.  I will be camping at Lake Mitchell for the night or if I like it maybe 2.  I hope the weather stays good.
 Ps I forgot I bought myself a Blackhills Gold ring today.  Kinda a gift to myself for my trip.  The sell the Blackhills stuff for cheaper then back home here since its also made here.  You can also take tours to see how they are made but you are not allowed to take pictures.
 Miles Gone Today 67

My ring I bought to remind me of my trip, sorry its blurry but thats a rose in the center

look at the horns on that Reindeer


I think its a mountain sheep or maybe goat heck I don't know

brown bear guarding the road

mountain lion

big brown bear



two cubs fighting

me and the cubs

entrance to babyland at Bear Country

me and my new man.  Do you approve?
Bear playing in the water
A cub that is either doing something bad to that antler or is scratching his butt
entrance to Mt Rushmore

Mt Rushmore

George Washington's face

Thomas Jefferson's Face

Theodore Roosevelt's Face

and last but not least Abraham Lincoln's Face

Yep me at Mt Rushmore

Do you see what I saw?

how about now? seriously I still see it the Penis

Can you find it on this rock  mountain?

how about now? though this one is kinda diseased with bumps haha

1 comment:

  1. haha you crack me up and yes...I see it!! I'm loving this. I feel like I'm road tripping with you. Love all the pictures! But come dropped the rootbeer??
