Wednesday, October 13, 2010

3 states in 1 day, Devils Tower, and Montana can be checked off

OMG I can't believe I had enough time to catch up on all my days.  Today was a long day even though I got to my free hotel room at 5pm.  Ya it was free due to my points from my rewards card. 
  Today I got up early and headed out to the Bighorn Canyon NRA.  It is the final park that I needed to get all the parks for Montana stamped in my Passport book.  I was so excited.  The drive from Hardin to the NRA was really nice.  It goes through some small towns, farms and you see alot of old houses down the road.  Once I was at the park though I started to stress cause the visitor center was closed and yesterday they said that it would be open.  Also most of the roads were closed since the best way to view the NRA area is from Lovell,WY.  I did get to see the Yellowtail Dam though again you were not able to actually visit it today.  So I went to the Ranger station and they said that since the season is coming to a close so are the buildings.  The Ranger did have a stamp and I got my final stamp for Montana.  If you are to come here I would go to the Lovell,WY entrance since the road on this side does not go all the way and also don't just come all the way over here just to go to the NRA unless you have time.  It is about a 45 min drive from Hardin.  The drive though is nice so at least that was something.  I just wish I could have seen the displays in the visitor center.  I did see like I said the Dam and part of the NRA.
  After that I headed out and crossed over into Wyoming to see Devil's Tower.  It was amazing.  I couldn't believe how many people were there today.  The drive after Moorcroft,Wy is really nice through the country.  Just make sure you get gas in Moorcroft before you head out.  I learned that.  Don't worry I did make it and actually it had me end up taking a different route back to the freeway.  Today was a really nice day probably in the high 60's.  I felt like I was at home.  Just a little FYI that Devils Tower was the first national monument.  I recommend people come and see it. 
  Once I left Devil's Tower I went to get gas in Hulett,Wy on the 24 before I had to walk.  It is a really small town but all the buildings are like old west style.  The people are really friendly too.  I'm glad I decided not to turn around and go back the way I came but to keep taking the 24 cause I think that was a prettier drive then the 14.  It also took me into the Black Hills National Forest.  I ended up in Spearfish,South Dakota where I am hanging for the night.  I cant wait to explore tomorrow and see Mt. Rushmore and everything else there.  I will be in Rapid City, South Dakota for the next couple of days. 
  So tonight I will be looking up things to do or that I want to see.  I just hope everything else is open.
Miles Gone Today 410
old house on the 313 in Montana

Yellowtail Dam in Fort Smith, Montana

Yellowtail Dam in Fort Smith, Montana

Another old house on Mt-313 in Montana

2nd State for the day, Wyoming

First view of Devil's Tower from the Wy- 24

little guy was almost my 2nd road victim

Devil's Tower through the sculpture of Circle of Sacred Smoke, doesn't it look cool?

Devils Tower and the sculpture of Circle of Sacred Smoke

Guess what? Devils Tower

and another view of Devil's Tower

First part of the Black Hills National Forest

3rd state for the day

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