Friday, October 8, 2010

Goodbye Washington and Hello Idaho

I know I know im slacking in the writing department.  I have been so busy at night researching things to do at my next stop that I just get to tired to blog.  Plus when I was in Idaho so much was going on I didn't have time.  So I will begin with last week and hopefully catch up in the next day or two.(done Tues 10/12/10)
Friday I spent some more time with my Great Grandma Donna before heading out around 2pm for Idaho.  I had a really nice visit with her and I hope to see her again soon. ( hopefully when she comes to visit in Vegas).  The drive to Idaho was nice.  Alot of small towns to go through.  I drove by the St. Joe river which was really pretty.  I was so excited cause I couldn't wait to see my cousin Alaina's baby Beau.  It is just like the happiest baby ever.  When I walked in the house I was like hi Alaina wheres Beau haha.  While my Aunt Shelly and Uncle Wayne were out Alaina and I had a nice time visiting.  One thing I like about my family is that no matter how long its been since you last talked or saw them its like we have been hanging out this whole time.  My cousin Josh came and kicked it with us for awhile so that was cool. 
  I didn't really do much today except just drive and then kick it with the family.
Miles Gone Today 191
My Great Grandma's Dogs Tootsie and Molly

My Great Grandma Donna, her dog Tootsie under the tree she planted in memory of my Grandpa

Beau my cousin Alaina's son


St Joe River in Idaho

1 comment:

  1. Love it!!! Can't wait to follow you on here!! It was great seeing you as well. Sad to see you go but excited to follow your journey!
