Monday, October 18, 2010

Laura Ingalls vs "If you build it they will come"

So does they title give the things I did today away?  No, well then folks you need to watch more tv and movies.
  Last night when I was driving to my hotel I saw a Laura Ingalls Wilder Museum about 11 miles outside of town.  I thought I so have to go there.  Considering I read the books has a kid and then later when I got Tivo I recorded every episode of Little House on the Prairie.  I know I know nerdy but I don't care I love that show. 
 The museum is in Burr Oak,IA a small town.  I was lucky once again to get my own private tour with this lady.  Once again I didn't get her name.  She gave me lots of interesting information on Laura Ingalls and about the other places that she lived and what each of those museums have.  I have now decided that once I am done with this roadtrip that will be a next one, where I go to all the places she lived and where she is buried.  In the books they don't talk really about Burr Oak but her parents had moved them there and worked in a hotel/restaurant.  Also her sister Grace was born there.  I got talking to the tour guide lady and her husband is a farmer there.  She told me that the reason why the corn looks dead but that they are harvesting it is because its for feed and gas in cars not for humans.  I thought that was pretty interesting.  The corn is used for the ethanol gas for our cars and they also feed the cows and other animals with the rest.  The museum is $7.00 for the tour, only worth it if you are interested in Laura Ingalls and her family.
  So after my 1hr turned 1 1/2 tour (cause we were talking about UPS and how her husband was a driver for them and what happened to us) I headed out back on the road.
  I went to Effigy Mounds NM by McGregor,IA.  Back in the day Indians used it has a ceremonial,burial and food gathering place.  They would make these mounds shaped like animals.  I got a picture from the visitor center but in the video it says that you can see the mounds but you cant really make out what they are unless from the air.  Sooo I decided not to walk the 2 mile hike up hill for about 1/2 of it just to reach the first mound of 8 or maybe it was 9 and not be able to get a picture of what it really is.  Maybe after I lose o alot of weight and then walk more I will be more excited about walking 2 miles up hill.  They did have some cool arrowheads and bowls that they found there.  I also saw my first glimpse of the Mississippi River.
  I headed out again on the 52 to the 136.  It was a really pretty drive and not only is there tons of cornfields but alot of cool small towns.  You also drive by some parts of the Mississippi River.  All I kept thinking was all this corn is for cars and cows.  That's alot of freakin corn.  I also thought this is America, right here.  This is like the heart or what America when I think of it is.  Friendly,small town,hard working people.  The kinda place where the neighbors all help each other, they leave their doors unlocked and always wave when you drive by, they even talk like your an old friend.  Maybe I can't explain it right and I am not in anyways saying everywhere else is not America just when you drive down these country roads you get that all American feeling.  It's hard to explain and maybe you wont think that way when you drive down that road but thats what I thought.
  So anyways speaking of American what is more American than the movie Field of Dreams.  Everyone remember that movie?  Well I went there.  The movie was filmed on a farm next to the town Dyersville,IA.  The Lansings(who have owned the land for over 100 years and still farm it) kept the baseball field there and the house was the owners dad (it might have been the grandpa, sorry will have to check my paper and let you know for sure).  While it was being filmed the dad moved into a trailer.  Today they were taking down the corn in the field.  It looked still exactly like on the movie.  Its Free to see it (which again Free is always good) and you can play baseball there.  There was a family there from out of town who brought stuff to play ball with.  You can't tour the house since they still live there but you can play the field, walk around and buy a souvenir.  There is also information on how that farm was chosen and about the family and making of the movie.  I thought it was pretty cool.  O and I gotta say this, this lady and I were standing waiting to pay for our souvenirs when this other lady came up and let out the biggest loudest fart I have ever heard in my life.  It was so loud and long it sounded like she was deflating, and then she walked away.  The lady and I at the same time just looked at each other like can you believe that and I was like O my Gosh she just  crop dusted us.  We laughed and were like whatever.  Seriously lady just cause we are surrounded by corn fields doesn't mean we need to be crop dusted too.  I had to share it will you cause it was well weird. I would understand if she had the old people walking farts but this was way bad and it wasn't just a little puff. And Kate no Kevin Costner was not there, sorry.
  So now im in Cedar Rapids for the night and heading out tomorrow.  Just not sure of all my plans yet.  I had a nice day today not only with the drive but getting to see a old home of Laura Ingalls and then the Field of Dreams. 
Miles Gone Today
Laura Ingalls when she was older

Laura's Pa and Ma

Laura with 2 of her sisters

Laura's husband Almanzo

The old hotel and restaurant (its bigger inside then what it looks like)

At Effigy Mounds NM (what the mounds would have looked like from the air)

Arrowheads found in the area at Effigy Mounds

my first look at the Mississippi River

A barge on the Mississippi River

Mississippi River

The house from Field of Dreams

You build it and they will come-baseball field

the house again

me at the baseball field

the bleachers with the house in the back

the family harvesting their corn crop

what it looks like from the air

Video of the area around Field of Dreams
for those of you wanting to know about my book this is the front

each state has parks that you get your book stamped at

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