Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Herbert Hoover in Iowa to KOA in Illinios

Well folks not much really happened today.  I left Cedar Rapids,Iowa and headed over to the Herbert Hoover NHS.  If some of you don't know he was our 31st President of the United States.  Honestly I didn't remember him either, but I did learn some interesting facts about him.  Like he was a Quaker and was big with the Boys Club and just giving back.  I toured the home that he was raised in and the community hall/church he attended.  I also got to see where his wife and him are buried in West Branch,Iowa.  I didn't go to his museum or library.  I will save that for another time.  I got talking to a Ranger there that had worked in the Santa Monica NRA before and he said that if it was between the Hoover or Lincoln Museum he would chose the Lincoln.  (Which ended up being a good call, cause I didn't want to see both museums within two days)  The Ranger was awesome he also told me to drive the Alaskan highway one day, and that him and his family just did it this August and the roads are fine they didn't have any trouble.  That was awesome because I have always wanted to drive the Alaskan highway and now I really can't wait.  Going to Alaska period would be a dream come true.  ( Has you have probably noticed by now I have alot of dreams that concern travelling).  O at the Hoover place there is a sculpture by a Belgian artist named Putteman caused Isis- The Goddess of Life.  It's weird looking she has a veil on and also whoever posed for the sculpture must have been cold cause the woman is pretty nippily if you know what I mean. 
  It was cool though to see the leaves changing on some of the trees.  Most of the trees I have seen so far all their leaves have already fallen off but there is still some that have leaves still on them.  The colors are awesome to see.
  So after I left the Herbert Hoover area I just drove to my KOA site in Springfield, Illinois.  It was out in the middle of no where.  At first I thought you have to be kidding me but then it ended up being alright.  The first person I talk to in Illinois ends up being one of the KOA owners and right away he walks out and says " You know how I know your from California?" and I say "Ya cause my license plate says California" ( thinking Duh) and he says " Well that too but its because California is the only place that takes up the whole license plate with letters and numbers" ( And with a look of ok dude whatever, I was thinking just cause your state only has like 200 people and each gets a number).  I was like "O I never thought about that" and walked away.  His wife was just has weird.  Actually the whole place is weird.  I already can't wait to leave this state, and I still have another day here. 
  O by the way sorry im late on posting because the KOA said they have wi-fi and they didn't.  The lady got mad at me that I would expect Wi-Fi (well ya I do especially since it said it would) and that I should just enjoy the outdoors.  If only she knew how much i've been enjoying the outdoors.
Miles Gone Today 280
The first home that Hoover lived in

The blacksmith shop that Hoover's dad Jesse owned

Isis the Goddess of Life ( and cold weather haha)

a tree losing it's leaves but has some color left

you cant really see it but this tree has green, brown and orange leaves

Mr and Mrs Hoover's tombs

our 31st President

Herberts wife

Welcome to Illinios

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