Tuesday, October 26, 2010

hello everyone

This will be short but sweet for right now.  I am in Dublin,Virginia and have been here since Friday.  I want everyone to know yes I am alive and im ok.  My Uncle Bill doesnt have internet at his house so I have not been able to get online.  I will write more later and let everyone know what I have been up to.  I am leaving here on Thursday cause there is tornado watches in the area for now and thunderstorms for tomorrow.  Then im heading to Flordia to visit my cousin.  After that I will be heading home to Nevada.  I have had alot of fun here and really dont want to leave it's so pretty here.


  1. Really not loving the "home to nevada" action =( It's cool that you are making it home in one piece... just not loving that the new home is in Nevada!! =(

  2. Hey D,
    This is totally awesome!! I wish I was with you!!! Stay safe!! Love ya lots and miss you too

  3. wassssuuuuup D ? how are you ? Miss your crazy ass ! Enjoy your travels
