Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Getting Lincolnfide (it wasnt a word but it is now) in Illinios

Let's all have a shout out of Hell's Ya! I didn't freeze last night, actually it was nice outside.  I slept in today and then after getting up and making my instant coffee headed out to become one with Abe Lincoln.
  So first I head over to the Lincoln Home.  Where Lincoln, his wife and 4 sons lived ( later 3 when Eddie died).  They all lived there before he became President.  It was cool to tour the house and they had some stuff that was the original, like his bed,carpet, photo viewer, desk and some other stuff.  You can then walk around to see other homes of back in that era.  There is also a field that shows where one of the Underground Railroads to help free the slaves would have been.  It was only like 5 houses down from Abe's.
  It was cool to see that but the best is now coming up...
  So after leaving there I went to the Lincoln Museum which was Awesome! I think everyone should go there.  The Ranger from yesterday was right this place was cool.  The two theatre's that they have are way cool.  I won't tell you everything cause I want you to go there but one theatre your seats and stuff move and in the other it looks like a real guy talking to you but at the end you know it was just fake.  It was crazy.  They also have a reproduction of what his boyhood home would have looked like and then you go in and theres this huge display of things he did before going into the White House.  Did you know he was 1 of 4 people running and he barely won as the President?  Also his own home town of Springfield didn't give him the majority of the votes for their area.  O and he was our 16th President.  He also helped make the 13th amendment to the Constitution.  I learned so much there.  The also had a reproduction of the White House and his time in there from the start all the way until his death by Booth and his funeral.  They have lots of real stuff that was his like gloves that he had in his back pocket when he was shot that still have blood on them and the fan his wife Mary had that also had blood on it.  It was just way cool.  I could go for days on everything that was there but for $12 I recommend you see it yourself it's worth all $12.  O and the Lincoln home is free to tour.  They don't make Abe look like he was always loved cause he wasn't, actually people didn't really like him but one he was dead then everyone liked him and started keeping his stuff and running tours.  I was there for 4 hours and that was none stop off looking and reading everything.  I know right, 4 hours but seriously it didn't even feel like it.  Sorry I wasn't allowed to take pictures of the actual stuff you mostly can only take pictures of what I have otherwise no photo's allowed.
  After leaving there I hurried up to drive to his tomb where Abe, his wife Mary,and 3 of his sons are buried.  His son Robert is buried in Arlington, Virginia.
  IT was also cool to see.  It's free and you can walk around it then walk inside to see where he is buried and then the burials of his wife and sons are in the wall with their names engraved. 
  By the end I was ready to go back to camp and chill.  My brain was on overdrive from all this learning haha.  So I went to leave the cemetery and guess what I got lost and o' no not just once but 3 let me repeat 3 times.  All of them in the ghetto or bad sections of town.  Let me just say that I was probably the only white person in a 5 mile radius.  If  I was a cop I could have busted 3 drunk in public and 2 drug bust.  I didn't dare ask for directions cause I probably would have been mugged.  It was honestly pretty dang scary.  I would have taken pictures of what the homes looked like but again I was afraid they might have thought I was a spy or something and shot at me.  How did I get lost, well most of the streets are one way only so I had to find the streets going in my directions and when I would it would end cause of construction and say detour but really it was not a detour but a death trap.  I wanted to scream I was so mad. 
  Finally when I got out of there and found my way to what looked familiar I went and ate at Cozy Dogs, home of the original Corn Dog.  Again I saw it on Man vs Food and it was really good dogs.  I took them back to my camp and sat my the fire thinking when can I get out of this town.
  I know I have family in Illinois and all that but really I can care less if I ever come back here again.  The people are rude and not like Cali busy rude but like we are better then you rude.  If I could have gotten away with smacking some people for the looks or how they talked to me I would have.  At this moment I just wanted to go back to Iowa or South Dakota where the people are so nice.
  Thank goodness im leaving tomorrow.
 Miles Gone Today 33 (long miles felt like I went a hundred)

a view down the road going to town from the koa

a room in the Lincoln house with his photo viewer

Lincoln's original desk and may be dresser also

The original Lincoln home before he went to DC

site for underground railroad

outside of museum

white house area in museum

Abe's home growing up area

Abe with his family (remember one son past away already)

Lincoln and his families burial plot

Lincoln's family history

Abe's tomb

Good Corn Dogs


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