Sunday, October 10, 2010

Goodbye Idaho family and hello Montana country

Well it sucked but today I had to say goodbye to my family in Idaho.  Alaina left early with Beau, it was so sad to see them leave and I will miss Beau.  I already can't wait until I can see him again.  I stayed visiting with my Aunt Shelly, which was nice.  We have never really spent time alone talking like that before.  Plus my Uncle Wayne went out elk hunting and shot one so I wanted to wait until he brought it over so that I could see it.  He got a 3 by 4 (which means 3 horns on one side and 4 on the other).  It was so funny cause I was all excited for him that he got one and then when he brought it over to show me the first thing I see is this big hole in its butt.  I seriously thought he shot it right in the ass, talk about good aim.  But he didn't its just from when he gutted it.  It was huge, I think he said about 500 pounds.  I told him I cant wait for my jerky.  Unfortunately though I wasn't going to stay another 2 weeks to wait for it, so maybe next time.  His brother and nephew probably thought I was a dorky city girl,shhh people I can hear all of you saying they are right, ha ha. 
  After saying goodbye I headed out towards Montana.  It was raining basically the whole drive.  I stopped on the way to the 50,000 Silver Dollar Bar/Restaurant/Gift Shop.  It was ok.  I mean if you want to see a crap load of silver dollar coins then ya stop by.  Actually they had alot of souvenirs there also so that was cool.
  I then headed over to stay the night in Missoula, Montana.  The town looks pretty nice so I am going to drive around tomorrow and see if there is anything to see around here.
Miles Gone Today 207

Beau singing to us

All smiles from Beau

Beau and Me

Aunt Shelly, Alaina and Beau

Uncle Wayne and his Elk

Dinner aka Elk

No its not your eyes its a blurry sign for Montana

front of the 50,000 silver dollar place

Some of the 50,000 Silver Dollars


  1. Thanks for posting that picture of me in the morning with NO shower!! Real cute!! :)

  2. Ha ha no one would have known if you wouldnt have just said something. I was still in my pj's so there. Love yas
