Friday, November 5, 2010

November Already and its not starting out to good.

Happy November Everyone! I can't believe it's already November and here I sit on a beautiful morning in Louisiana. 
  So again sorry no pictures right now but believe me the minute I get to a place that wont restrict me from adding pictures to my blog I'm downloading tons for you to see.  But for now you just have to put up with my writing. HAHA.
  So November 1st (remember I'm sill backtracking here but hey I'm almost caught up).  I have decided to stay another day at my cousin Trish's house so that I can go to Fort Caroline N MEM and to the Timycuan Preserve. The Fort was ok but they didn't have the actual Fort but a wall of where they think it use to be.  There is no real artifacts from the actual Fort.  The Preserve is marshland that is kept for the animals and it was all around.
  I got lost going there and had to call JB for help.  He ended up getting me on the right track, thanks again dude.
  I put some chicken in their crockpot before I left for dinner tonight.  Trish made rice and Veggies together when she got home then we just lounged around the tv for the night.  It was really mellow.  I said my goodbyes in case I didn't see them in the morning.
  On Tuesday November 2nd I head out towards Bronson,FL to see my Adopted mom (Cindy's mom), Brandon her son and to meet her boyfriend Rick.  Right when I got there Beth (adopted mom) said hey want to go see some alligators.  I was all for it so back in the car I went and we drove an hour to go to the Homosassa Springs.  It was really cool.  Its almost like a zoo but for animals that cant survive in the wild.  I saw Manatee's.  They are like whales but live in shallow water eating lettuce.  It was cool cause there was this underwater area that you can go down into and see them swim by and eat.  There was also tons of other fish in there.  We then saw my alligators and they were either chillin in the water or by the shore.  I was totally excited about that.  We also saw bald eagles,deer, bears, flamingos,owls,a hippo and a bunch of other animals.  Thanks again Beth for taking me there. 
  After we got back Rick made spaghetti for the 4 of us.  It came out really good.  (He's cool Cindy, no worries haha).  It was so nice to see Beth and Brandon again and to see where they had moved to.  Beth's place is really nice out in the country. 
  That night I found out that my old boss from Quito's - Rudy had passed away in his sleep.  He is also Joe's Grandpa.  Rudy will surely be missed but the fun times I had working with him will always make me smile.
  The next day Beth and I took Brandon to school and then went to see her mom.  We had a nice visit. 
  In Bronson Cemetery is where  Bo Diddley is buried.  He sang that song Im a Man.  But was a legend in his time.
  After saying goodbye to Beth I headed  out on the road to Shepherd State Park in Gautier, MS.  It poured the whole way there.  My windshield wipers were working in over drive.  I saw 6 accidents some single car and a couple with other cars involved.  It was pretty bad.  I was glad when I got to my campsite that it had stopped raining long enough for me to pitch my tent up.  I then went to town for dinner at KFC.  They have a $5 buffet dinner thing at their KFC.  I also rented two chick flicks since there was no Internet there.  I was scared a little to camp at my spot since not to far away from me was a swap area.  My grandma said that there was no alligators in there but I still think there probably was.  During the night it poured and there was also Thunder.  I got up and moved my tent away from the electrically box cause if it started to get lightening I didnt want my tent to get hit.
  The next morning it sprinkled but then it was fine by the time I got up and got ready.  The showers at that campsite are Amazing.  I could have stayed in there all day it was so nice.
  Once I left the campsite I headed out and took the 90 all the way to the end of Mississippi.  I stopped at the Gulf Island NS it was really pretty there.  I saw a alligator in its own habitat and also some turtles when I went on a trail.  Thank goodness the alligator didn't see me.
  While I was driving alot the 90 you can see where Katrina had hit.  There is alot of empty lots for sale and some places that people are fixing up.  I even found one house that was spray painted on the door like you saw on the news.  It was really sad.  My Grandma had been through that area tons of times and I know she would be really sad to see  alot of the old homes boarded up or completely gone.  The beaches there are so nice though.  With the white sand. 
  Then my day gets ruined.  Has I'm driving on the 10 getting onto the Expressway in Louisiana this black Range Rover slams on his breaks in front of me so I slam on mine and the car in back of me hits me.  Then to top it off they took off.  While I'm sitting there in shock(which today is the next day Friday November 5th and im still in Shock).  I can still drive my car it was just the back passenger bumper that got hit.  It had made a piece of plastic scrap against my tire so I got out and broke it off. Even today I'm just not in the mood to go see New Orleans.  I really just want out of this town.  If I could have flown home I would have.  I am still upset.  I make it almost the whole trip with no problems then I get involved in a hit and run.  I tried calling the police here and they said that since it was on the freeway its the state police that I need to talk to.  Ya well that didn't work cause they didn't answer so I guess I will try again today.  So after that ruined my day I made it to my camp and set it up then went to the grocery store for some authentic spices and food to take home with me to try.  I also got more water and ice.  Once I went back to camp I just went to sleep I wasn't in the mood to do anything.
  So now today is Friday and its about 11:00am and all Ive done today is blog.  Again once I get to where I can upload my pictures I will.  Has far has my crash I'm ok just my spirit sunk alittle.  This will diffently not be one of my highlights to my trip.  All I kept thinking was after this 27 more hours and I'm home.  Well I better get ready to maybe go explore or at least clean out my car if I decide to skip New Orleans all together.  O ya and I'm at the Bayou Segnette State Park in Westwego, La across the bay from New Orleans.  I leave here tomorrow.


  1. Hi Darlene ~ Thanks for the update and I really hope that you are being super careful! The car accident doesn't sound so fun. I hope that the rest of your trip is uneventful but fun and that you make it home safe and sound!! Love you, Aunt Shelly

  2. Hey..don't let that ruin your trip. Remember, this is a once in a life time opportunity and a car can always be replaced.
