Thursday, November 11, 2010

Last Day on the Road

Sorry this is a couple of days late.  I just couldn't get in the mood to write yesterday and Tuesday I got in late and was just drained.
  So when I woke up in the morning in Grants, New Mexico after freezing my big butt off the night before.  I swear it had to be one of the coldest nights.  I guess I had to go out with a night to remember.  When I woke up and opened my tent I thought man is that snow outside.  Then I kept thinking it can't be snow that has to be some heavy frost, but folks I think it was snow.  When I was on the freeway it was everywhere that the sun had not melted it yet.  I was thankful that I was now in a nice heated car for the 7 1/2 hour ride to Las Vegas,NV.
  So once I made it into Arizona I saw a sign for the Petrified Forest NP.  I quickly looked on my map and noticed that the visitor center and part of the park was right there off of the freeway.  I was so excited that on my last day I get to visit one more National Park.  I actually got to see the Painted Desert part of the park.  It was really cool with all the reds and whites on the rocks.  They also have a place called Painted Desert Inn that use to be made out of Petrified Wood but later was remodeled by the CCC boys.  The Ranger said that there is not much Petrified wood left at the park since tons of it has been taken over the years.  Back in the day Route 66 ran through the park and people would stop and pickup pieces of the wood.  So I only got to see what was on display.
  I must say that while driving through New Mexico and Arizona I swear about every 5 miles is a sign for some Indian Souvenir shop.  I did get to see the Continental Divide in New Mexico, or at least the sign for it.
  I also got to end my trip getting to visit another park in Arizona at the Walnut Canyon NM.  It was pretty cool too.  Back in the day the Indians built their homes on the side of cliffs in between rocks.  I didn't walk down all the way cause it was freezing and once I stepped out of the car I felt like my lungs froze.  I thought it would have been warmer in New Mexico and Arizona yet I think they were the coldest states yet.  Still what I got to see was awesome. 
  I had my last freeway sunset again tonight and it made me kinda sad, that this was the last one for awhile.  When going through Nevada I went over Hoover Dam but since it was dark I was not able to take any pictures of the Dam or of the Welcome to Nevada Sign.
  The trip that was suppose to take me 7 1/2 hours ended up taking me 12 1/2 hours.  It was part because I did stop to see the parks but also once I got to Las Vegas I got lost trying to find my new home for 2 hours.  I was so tired and upset I just wanted to give up and say screw it, I'm heading back to California.  I couldn't believe that I was lost that long but it happened.  If I would have written this blog yesterday I would of had some choice words for Las Vegas but now I'm like whatever.  It's Vegas what else should I expect.  So what started out has an awesome day ended kinda crappy but over all it was an awesome last day.
Miles Gone Today=554

View from the I-40 in New Mexico

In New Mexico

Sign showing how the water flows at the Continental Divide,New Mexico

a view from the I-40 in New Mexico

Welcome to Arizona

a piece of petrified wood on display

The Painted Desert,Arizona

Painted Desert,Arizona

another view of the guess what- The Painted Desert

The Painted Desert Inn that the CCC Boys remodeled

Big pieces of Petrified Wood

do you see the brick in the rock where the Indians made their home?

ya it was high and cold

more homes at the Walnut Canyon NM

and more homes in the rocks at Walnut Canyon NM,Arizona

my last freeway road trip sunset in Arizona
My final mileage on my car

my car at the end of the trip ( the good looking side)

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