Monday, November 8, 2010

Getting Caught up November 6th and 7th

November 6th-  Well folks I am leaving the state of Louisiana today and heading towards Texas.  I wont make it deep into the heart of Texas just the border.  I have come to the conclusion that Louisiana is mostly all swap area.  While driving to Baton Rouge it was like one very long bridge that went right over the swamps.  I looked for an alligator but didn't see one.  But now I know where the guys from Swamp People look for their gators.  There was one swamp that looked really pretty but since I was on a bridge I couldn't stop to take pictures.  It was called Henderson Swamp.  My drive was pretty uneventful, which was good and bad.  I am getting down to the last of my money so I wont be probably doing anything to fun on the way home, unless its free and on the way.  Sorry these last couple of days may not be has enjoyable to read.  Like they say though like all good things it has to end sooner or later.  I wish I didn't there is tons I want to still see. I went to this one town called Boyce for gas and right along the freeway was a cemetery just right there next to the off ramp.  It was tiny but cool to see.  So even though I didn't get to go on the cemetery tour in New Orleans I got to see some a above ground cemetery anyways.  Then in the gas station they had cracklin (pig fat that's fried then seasoned) so of course I had to get me some to try.  It was really crunchy but good.  It was hard to bite some pieces but if you get it good and wet in your mouth they its easier to bite into haha. Tonight I am staying in Marshall,TX at a Motel 6 and I must say it has to be the cleanest motel I have stayed in.  Like it even had vacuum marks on the floor(I never see that they have vacuumed). One funny thing in my room is a non smoking room yet it has a ashtray with a sticker that says no smoking. It's Ironic don't you think? haha I was thinking that when I was driving is most of Louisiana able to be covered by water?  In so many places the water is right there not just in New Orleans but all that I drove by, even the bigger cities.  People always worry about California going into the Ocean but next time someone tells me that I'm going to tell them they need to worry about the whole state of Louisiana first.  Looking back I'm glad that I got to go to New Orleans and once I sucked it up(has my Grandma basically said) I did have a good time.  O' and I tried to go to another national park there today but there was no sign for it off of the freeway so I wasn't able to go to the Cane River Creole NHP.
Miles gone today=414
swamp land while driving to Baton Rouge,LA

Henderson Swamp in LA

I just realized this picture has either a old building or something people sit on(all taken while driving, I just snap then look later) in LA

the cemetery right when you get off the freeway in Boyce,LA

the rest of the cemetery in Boyce,LA

me driving and eating my cracklin(pretty good no hands while driving, o and don't worry I was like the only one around)
my ashtray that says no smoking in a non smoking room

Welcome to Texas
November 7th-  So this morning I woke up and decided though I'm down to the last of my money I still want to enjoy my trip.  So I decided instead of taking the main freeway of I-20 that I would take back roads to Amarillo,TX.  When looking it up it was only 45 minutes longer and 19 miles longer (weird huh, but its because you go through so many small towns).  I am glad that I did.  I ended up taking the 59 to 49 to 271 to 82 then to the 287.  There are some really old towns back in there and the drive was really pretty.  Most towns were less then 1,000 people.  I saw some really big houses also which was funny cause the rest of the town would be falling apart and here was this mansion type of house.  I got to see Paris everyone, Paris,Tx that is.  It was cool and thanks to my Grandma for looking it up I got to see the Eiffel Tower wearing a cowboy hat.  When I was leaving Paris I noticed that they have a Campbell's soup factory there.  I went through a town called Saint Jo and all the buildings are in the form of old western.  Some of them looked like that is how they had always been there.  Some businesses were still in these old buildings.  If you ever go through there you can't miss them.  Then while I was about to leave the town of Nocona on the right was a house full of old cars just sitting there rusting away.  I wish I knew how to fix up cars I would have so taken one.  I didn't see a long horned steer for the longest time.  I saw donkey, tons of cows and goats and a few llamas.  When I finally saw a long horned steer I couldn't have missed it if I was blind.  So I pulled over to take some pictures.  While almost to Amarillo,TX the sun had set and it was really cool the colors in the sky with the clouds.  They say that Montana is big Sky country but I believe that the northern part of Texas can give them a run for their money.  I'm sure the pictures wont do it justice, like the fall colors on the trees but it was way cool.  Once in Amarillo,Tx I hurried up and made camp at a KOA and then headed over to the Big Texas Steakhouse.  It was on the travel Chanel and also on Man vs. Food.  Its home of the 72oz steak with all the fixins challenge.  I got this thing called the BBQ Sampler and O man it was tons of food.  I will be eating it for breakfast, lunch and dinner tomorrow.  They also have a store, bar, a old time band that comes around and plays songs for you and a huge rocking chair.  It was really cool.  I want to go back tomorrow and take some better pictures of the place, since it was dark when I went.  The food was really good and I have to say that the Texas BBQ over the South Carolina BBQ was way better.  I guess in my heart I like BBQ sauce thick, haha. When your in the restaurant they seat you family style( I guess that's what its called) When all the tables are together and you sit right next to other people.  This group of guys got seated next to me and one of them was debating if he wanted to do the steak challenge or not and when he asked the waitress how much it was if you don't eat it all in an hour she said $72.00.  I was like dang $72.00 for the steak and this dude says to me actually if you think about it, its cheaper then getting a smaller steak cause this comes still with all the fixins and its only a dollar and ounce.  Whether he did it or not I have no idea.  I left when he was till thinking about it. Now that I'm full am back at camp just relaxing and trying to plan for tomorrow.
Miles Gone Today=544
Welcome to Paris -Paris Texas that is

a old house that's for sale in Paris,TX

I've never been to London, I've never been to France but I got to see the Eiffel Tower wearing a cowboy hat

The town of Saint Jo,TX

use to be a old saloon in Saint Jo,TX

The big building is the library in Saint Jo,TX

a huge house in Saint Jo,TX

old house with old cars,Nocona,TX

more old cars on the lot in Nocona,Tx

I finally saw my first long horned steer

The sunset in Texas

Sunset in Texas

The steakhouse in Amarillo,TX

The inside of the steakhouse,Amarillo,TX

tons of food (not shown is another roll and my salad)

The challengers area for the 72oz steak

more of the inside of the steakhouse

What some one has to eat in 1 hour or its $72.00

Big rocking Chair

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