Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Grandma Warner's Yachats,Oregon

After saying goodbye to Aunt Glenna and Uncle Bill ( thank you both so much and love you) Grandma and I headed back to Yachats,Oregon. It was about a 2 hour drive to the coast. Now its Grandma visiting time. Do I need to say more? I will be here for a little over a week and then head out again. Tonight we just sat around bullshitting, basically like we always do. We went for a walk on the beach. Which by the way is nothing like our beach. It's cant and dont see anyone get into the water unless they are in a boat. There is lots of tidepools and rocks along the shore. It's really cool though to look out and see the crabbing boats or whales just going by. Tonight we had a cool sunset, and I was happy to see it my first day here. Ive been here before when in a 2 weeks time I wont beable to see one sunset because of the fog. When it got darker we went outside and looked at Jupitar and the moons around it. Right now Jupitar is the brightest star in the sky. We used binaculars and were able to see 2 moons on the left and 1 on the right. It was way cool and has the night went on the moons got brighter. If you all have a chance (im not sure how long you can see it until) go outside and right way when you look up the brightest star is Jupitar but if you have binaculars then you will see the moons around it. Let me know how many moons you spot around Jupitar. I tried to work my Grandma's telescope but I sucked and could not get it positioned correctly. O'well I will try again tomorrow.
My Grandma pulled a Darleneism tonight. So now I know where I get it from ha ha. When I was leaving the house to go out to my room she said dont forget your breathalizer...instead of inhaler. We started laughing and I told her she just pulled a me word haha. I said what do I have to test myself before walking across the driveway. Anyways I thought it was pretty funny. See everyone am not the only one who messes up my words.

Miles Gone Today:109
Aunt Glenna and Old Timer ( Uncle Bill)

Yachats,Oregon Sunset

1 comment:

  1. Dude!! Jeramy and I are laughing our ASSES off!! And I have a big ass so that's alot of laughing!! Guess grandma doesn't want you drinking and walking!! That's so sweet of her to get a breathalizer just for you to walk to your room!! Good looking out!! hahahahaha
