Friday, September 24, 2010

First Stop Sacramento

First off I want to say that i'm sorry I didn't get to see everyone before I left.  I wanted to but with everything going on I just didn't have enough time.  I will miss everyone and I can't wait to see you all when I come home. When I left and started driving and saw the beach I thought O' man im not going to be seeing the Cali beach again for awhile.
Miles I have on my car starting this road trip

 Well im off..and driving.  My first stop is to stay until Sunday here in Sacramento with my Uncle Robert and Aunt Lisa.  I left later then I wanted to so I didn't get here until 7:00pm.  The delay you dang new car carrier.  I'm a dork and just couldn't understand how to get it onto my car.  And since my dad was in Vegas and all my friends were at work I was left looking like a complete dork in the driveway trying to understand it.  O' and it didn't come with instructions just a nice picture on the box of what it will look like once its on the roof.  Why do they do this to me don't companies know I need pictures and instructions to install something?
  So after leaving Santa Maria I headed out on the O so boring I-5.  I mean its long and boring and everything is dead.  Seriously even the corn fields were brown.  My car is packed to the max and I mean Max.  I was praying the whole time that I wouldn't go over some hole on the freeway and pop all 4 brand new tires.  And I must remember I have to take corner's really slow.  I think I felt 2 wheels come off the ground at one point ha ha. 
My last view of the California Coast..O how I will miss it

The dead corn fields on I-5 heading to Sacramento
 After arriving here, which by the way was very hot( o and I got sun burnt on my face and driver arm through the windows..figure that one out.) the three of us went to dinner at some Mexican Restaurant (that apparently they go to a lot cause they know them there), the food was really good.  Then we just came back to the house and chilled.  It's so nice to see family, especially when they are  hella cool and you hardly get to see them. 
  Tomorrow not sure whats going on.  I do know that while im sipping my coffee my Uncle will be on some 20 mile or more bike ride (he usually goes 40 or more).  Hey more power to him I like my downtime in the morning :) .  I saw the seat on his bike and let me just tell does not look comfy.  I don't think a man's umm..'friends' would have much room on the supposedly seat.  I would much rather have a comfy seat that holds all of my butt on it.  Then again that would be one hellva big seat to hold this butt.  I do want to give awesome props to my Aunt who has I think a mountain bike and went out riding for her first time and made it 18 miles. 
  Sorry its not so thrilling for my first day on my road trip..but like I said its not always going to be exciting.
  Have a good day.
Miles Gone Today: 322

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