Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Crater Lake NP,Oregon/Brownsville,Oregon

I am so excited today.  I get to finally go to Crater Lake NP.  I have wanted to go there for so long but every time I go to Oregon it's always in winter and the roads up to Crater Lake are closed.  I was so excited that I was up a little before 7am and decided to pack up my tent, shower and head out.  Thank goodness Eagle's Nest has plenty of hot water in their showers cause it was freezing outside and I didn't have time for coffee, I was hitting the road. 
On the way up to Crater Lake the drive was really pretty.  It first took me by Upper Klamath Lake and then through some small towns.  My first stop in the area was to Annie's Falls, which was cool to see coming down the Lava rock that had been there since the volcano had erupted.  It was also crazy to see trees growing on the side of cliffs through this lava rock.
 Once I was at Crater Lake itself..Well I don't think any words that my brain can think of would describe how unbelievably beautiful it was.  I got to view it on the best day ever.  The sky was blue, no rain,snow,fog, nothing just a perfect day.  There wasn't tons of people and all I could think was it was so worth the wait.  I would go back there in a heartbeat.  In fact I want to camp there sometime or better yet stay in the lodge there that overlooks the Crater Lake and Wizard Island.  I think I texted tons of people the picture just to show everyone how amazing it was.  I heard one old lady ask the ranger if they still do boat rides out to Wizard Island, and he said yes but that it was closed for the year.  (For a second there I thought awesome I want to come back and do that) Then he said that it was a mile hike down to the boat.  All I kept thinking was a mile down means a mile up..screw that.  Those cliffs are wicked and I cant even imagine hiking down without thinking I was going to fall.  I then thought o' man it would be cool to canoe out to the middle of the crater.  (didn't I just get done saying no to hiking down and up the cliff? ha ha) Ya so that idea left my head just has quickly has it had entered especially when I got to thinking how creepy it would be when in some spots they still don't know how deep it is.  Also who knows whats living in there..what if there is something like a LockNess Monster and know one knows..yet.  I don't want to be the first to find out.  Ha Ha the stupid things I do to scare myself.  I think that everyone at some point in their lives should go to see Crater Lake.  For only $10 a carload you get the most breathtaking view and its so worth it.  I drove all around it and any view was amazing.
  After having to pull myself away from Crater Lake I headed over to Brownsville,Oregon where my Great Aunt Glenna and Old Timer ( Great Uncle Bill) live.  A little known fact that part of the movie Stand By Me was filmed there.  Later on that night my Grandma Warner came over and we both stayed the night.  Uncle Bill talked my ear off, about when he was younger which I just loved the old stories.  Then later after he went to bed us 3 girls sat out on the porch swings and just gabbed.  It was so nice outside and we had a good time catching up.  It was so nice to see them both again and visit longer then just an hour or so.  They are like another set of Grandparents to me.  I love hearing the stories and the crazy things that Old Timer use to do when he was a kid.
  So between going to Crater Lake and then getting to see my Grandma, Aunt Glenna and Old Timer it was the perfect day.
Miles Gone Today: 287
Need I say more

Part of Upper Klammath Lake

Lava rock above Annie's Falls

Annie's Falls

Crater Lake and view of Wizard Island

Crater Lake, Oregon

more of Crater Lake

Another view of Crater Lake

Another view of Wizard Island

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