Thursday, September 30, 2010

Grandma Warners

Well just to warn everyone I may not write on here for a couple of days since im at my Grandma's and nothing really is going on.  Usually we just end up going to town or walk to the beach.  Today was a nice day and then the fog rolled much for trying to look at Jupitar again. 
  There are seals that are coming to the area and I took some pictures of those and the Heceta Head Lighthouse which is also by my Grandma's town.  Other then that nothing to exciting for anyone else is happening.  If I find the missing fisherman then I will write.  Actually I hope my Grandma and I dont find him, but that he gets found.
  O' I did have to call the DMV today, whats up with them.  I waited like an hour on hold cause they wouldnt call back an Oregon number and I dont get good phone reception here.  I paid my car registration tags at the beginning of Sept and they barely processed it on the 27th.  Really?? Then she tells me if I dont get them by the 27th of October to call back.  Umm I need them by then hello.  Well I guess I shouldnt get so surprised it is the DMV am talking about.
  Well everyone I hope you all have a good weekend.
Seals on a  cliff

Heceta Head Lighthouse and home

Heceta Head Lighthouse,Florence,Oregon

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Grandma Warner's Yachats,Oregon

After saying goodbye to Aunt Glenna and Uncle Bill ( thank you both so much and love you) Grandma and I headed back to Yachats,Oregon. It was about a 2 hour drive to the coast. Now its Grandma visiting time. Do I need to say more? I will be here for a little over a week and then head out again. Tonight we just sat around bullshitting, basically like we always do. We went for a walk on the beach. Which by the way is nothing like our beach. It's cant and dont see anyone get into the water unless they are in a boat. There is lots of tidepools and rocks along the shore. It's really cool though to look out and see the crabbing boats or whales just going by. Tonight we had a cool sunset, and I was happy to see it my first day here. Ive been here before when in a 2 weeks time I wont beable to see one sunset because of the fog. When it got darker we went outside and looked at Jupitar and the moons around it. Right now Jupitar is the brightest star in the sky. We used binaculars and were able to see 2 moons on the left and 1 on the right. It was way cool and has the night went on the moons got brighter. If you all have a chance (im not sure how long you can see it until) go outside and right way when you look up the brightest star is Jupitar but if you have binaculars then you will see the moons around it. Let me know how many moons you spot around Jupitar. I tried to work my Grandma's telescope but I sucked and could not get it positioned correctly. O'well I will try again tomorrow.
My Grandma pulled a Darleneism tonight. So now I know where I get it from ha ha. When I was leaving the house to go out to my room she said dont forget your breathalizer...instead of inhaler. We started laughing and I told her she just pulled a me word haha. I said what do I have to test myself before walking across the driveway. Anyways I thought it was pretty funny. See everyone am not the only one who messes up my words.

Miles Gone Today:109
Aunt Glenna and Old Timer ( Uncle Bill)

Yachats,Oregon Sunset

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Crater Lake NP,Oregon/Brownsville,Oregon

I am so excited today.  I get to finally go to Crater Lake NP.  I have wanted to go there for so long but every time I go to Oregon it's always in winter and the roads up to Crater Lake are closed.  I was so excited that I was up a little before 7am and decided to pack up my tent, shower and head out.  Thank goodness Eagle's Nest has plenty of hot water in their showers cause it was freezing outside and I didn't have time for coffee, I was hitting the road. 
On the way up to Crater Lake the drive was really pretty.  It first took me by Upper Klamath Lake and then through some small towns.  My first stop in the area was to Annie's Falls, which was cool to see coming down the Lava rock that had been there since the volcano had erupted.  It was also crazy to see trees growing on the side of cliffs through this lava rock.
 Once I was at Crater Lake itself..Well I don't think any words that my brain can think of would describe how unbelievably beautiful it was.  I got to view it on the best day ever.  The sky was blue, no rain,snow,fog, nothing just a perfect day.  There wasn't tons of people and all I could think was it was so worth the wait.  I would go back there in a heartbeat.  In fact I want to camp there sometime or better yet stay in the lodge there that overlooks the Crater Lake and Wizard Island.  I think I texted tons of people the picture just to show everyone how amazing it was.  I heard one old lady ask the ranger if they still do boat rides out to Wizard Island, and he said yes but that it was closed for the year.  (For a second there I thought awesome I want to come back and do that) Then he said that it was a mile hike down to the boat.  All I kept thinking was a mile down means a mile up..screw that.  Those cliffs are wicked and I cant even imagine hiking down without thinking I was going to fall.  I then thought o' man it would be cool to canoe out to the middle of the crater.  (didn't I just get done saying no to hiking down and up the cliff? ha ha) Ya so that idea left my head just has quickly has it had entered especially when I got to thinking how creepy it would be when in some spots they still don't know how deep it is.  Also who knows whats living in there..what if there is something like a LockNess Monster and know one knows..yet.  I don't want to be the first to find out.  Ha Ha the stupid things I do to scare myself.  I think that everyone at some point in their lives should go to see Crater Lake.  For only $10 a carload you get the most breathtaking view and its so worth it.  I drove all around it and any view was amazing.
  After having to pull myself away from Crater Lake I headed over to Brownsville,Oregon where my Great Aunt Glenna and Old Timer ( Great Uncle Bill) live.  A little known fact that part of the movie Stand By Me was filmed there.  Later on that night my Grandma Warner came over and we both stayed the night.  Uncle Bill talked my ear off, about when he was younger which I just loved the old stories.  Then later after he went to bed us 3 girls sat out on the porch swings and just gabbed.  It was so nice outside and we had a good time catching up.  It was so nice to see them both again and visit longer then just an hour or so.  They are like another set of Grandparents to me.  I love hearing the stories and the crazy things that Old Timer use to do when he was a kid.
  So between going to Crater Lake and then getting to see my Grandma, Aunt Glenna and Old Timer it was the perfect day.
Miles Gone Today: 287
Need I say more

Part of Upper Klammath Lake

Lava rock above Annie's Falls

Annie's Falls

Crater Lake and view of Wizard Island

Crater Lake, Oregon

more of Crater Lake

Another view of Crater Lake

Another view of Wizard Island

Monday, September 27, 2010

Tulelake Internment Camp NHS/Lava Beds NM

I want to first say am sorry everyone for not getting to write sooner. The day I went to the Lava Beds I didn't have signal to write that night and yesterday I was just to tired to think. I'm writing in word now since the internet is not connecting out in my room at my Grandma's so hopefully when im done catching up on this that I can post.
The Eagle's Nest Campground was nice and quiet and I slept great. I did talk to one of the owners Barbara and she kinda tripped me out it was funny. One of her dogs started barking and she started to talk to me about her animals and she has 5 dogs, 2 cats,3 I think rats and a red tail boa snake. I was at that moment thinking holy cows im in a tent and this thing could be feed for years off of this body. So I casually asked how big is it? Just has calmly she replies only 7 ft long. ONLY?? Then I asked o' thats cool is it in a cage and again she tells me (like if its no big deal) o ya otherwise he would eat my cats. EAT?? ONLY?? I mean really she could have listed the Boa has the first pet. It's not like their house is very big. I was curious and wanted to see it but I was still thinking about me sleeping in a tent outside and decided against wanting to see it. ( I didn't want to give their pet any ideas for a midnight snack)
Needless to say I made it safely both nights there. Anyways I headed out to see the museum for the Tulelake Internment Camp, which was alright. The museum was more about the towns around it and how they came about then about the actual Internment Camp. They did have a fenced section out where the Internment camp use to be and the actual jail. They also had a replica of what it would have looked like living in the barracks. So that was pretty cool.
I then headed over to the Lava Beds which is all in the same area just about. There was also an Indian war that had happened out there between an Indian named Captain Jack Stronghold and General Canby (who was the only General to be killed in an Indian War). There was tons of lava rock everywhere. Once I was at the visitor center I decided to be adventurous and go in a cave(there's lots of cave's to explore there). The ranger asked if I had a flashlight,which I did. I also informed them that yes I had been to other caves and knew what they were about. Ya well so much for adventure. So here I am going into a cave with a flashlight. Mind you this isn't some huge light up the night sky flashlight but just a regular 2 D battery flashlights that barely cover your walking area. So I start heading down into this cave and the further I got the more I thought man this is pretty dang scary. I've never been in a cave alone and let me just tell you I will never be in one alone again. It is totally different then when you are on a guided tour with a ranger and other people. Being alone in the total dark except for my little flashlight underground was like a scary movie. And if one of the bats that live in the caves came out or towards me I probably would have just died right there. I will say this I was probably more then half way through this cave and decided nope this is not for me and headed back. That was enough adventure in the dark for me thanks. Hey at least I tried right? You give me someone else to go with me and no problem I would go again,just not alone.
I then decided to go see the Petroglyphs that Indians had carved into a side of mountain. Well let me tell you that was disappointing. It's surrounded by a high fence, but that's not the problem. The problem is that all the petroglyphs are not there anymore. In certain spots you can see faded ones but then in lots of the side of the mountain you can see where people have come and cut out the drawings. It was a big disappointment and I was so bummed that it wasn't there for all of us to see. Hopefully on my trip there will be other places that I can see some.So after that fun filled day of adventure I headed back to my campsite and just relaxed.
Later that night the sky was dark and you could see the star's in the sky for days. It was so awesome. The Big Dipper was right in front of me and it seemed like it was so close I could just reach up and grab it. Then directly above me was the Milky Way. It seemed like I could see it's path for miles. It was so pretty just bright and no light around except for the stars and moon in the sky. I wish I could have taken a picture of it to show but how amazing it was would not do it justice. It was actually more amazing then words can ever describe.
Miles Gone Today: 132

What the barracks for 4 single men would have looked like at the Internment Camp
Part of the barracks that the people kept at Tulelake lived in
Part of a Guard Tower used at Tulelake Camp

The Jail for the Internment Camp at Tulelake

lava beds where the lava had flowed at Devils Homestead
Inside one of the caves at the Lava Beds
some petroglyphs  at Petroglyph Point
General Canby's grave marker

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Hwy 299 and Rte 139 McArthur-Burney Falls

First off I would like us to bow our heads and say a little prayer to the Chimpmuk who became my 1st casualty on this trip when he decided to cross the double yellow line in the highway right in front of my car's tires.  May you rest in peace Alvin.
  Second don't trust mapquest when it comes to highways with 1 lane.  ( Aunt Glenna I may be alittle late if mapquest is wrong again).  It said that it would take 5 hours to get to Tionesta from my Uncle's, and ya I made a stop but I was not there very long and it still took me forever to get here.
  Anyways..I did have a nice drive and went through a lot of small towns.  I'm in Tionesta outside of Tulelake about 20 miles at a rv place called Eagle's Nest Rv Park.  It's not bad for $14 a night.  It does have showers and laundry.  I'm parked next to some rv's so I feel better about that.  Its quiet which I like.  The only thing that sucks is that its high fire season so we are not allowed to have campfires.  I mean really whats the point in camping if you cant have a fire.  I love campfires.  The town is an Indian town, not very big.  The people are really friendly.  They have a tiny General Store and that's even stretching it.  Its more for just getting ice and a drink.  An older lady runs it and its a store, gas station, bar and deli. And besides 2 rv parks and some houses that's it for the town.
  On my way here I stopped at a California State Park called McArthur-Burney Falls.  It's outside of the  town Burney on Hwy 89, about 6 miles one way.  They have a tiny visitor center that shows a short film about the Falls and the campground areas there.  Back in the day the CCC Boys (Civilian Conservation Corp) made the path leading to the bottom of the Falls and the fire pits in the campgrounds, along with a bridge and a barn.  It cost $8.00 for a day use pass.  Was it worth it? Not today.  The path leading down to the falls was closed for repairs (something the lady taking the money should tell people) .  All I got to see today was the top of the falls.  There is also access to Lake Britton from there but I didn't go down to it.  In the film the Falls looks like it would be really pretty to see. 
  I got here at 5pm, after leaving Sacramento at 930am.  I set up camp and im ready to go exploring tomorrow at the Lava Beds NM.  I cant wait.
  O almost forgot Thank Goodness for slow roads cause a deer decided to cross in front of me.  I almost thought my trip was over and another Kia was a goner.
And last but definitely not least I want to thank my Uncle and Aunt for putting me up and letting me chill with them.  Thanks and love you both.  ( and Lisa don't kill me cause of the picture)
Miles Gone Today: 352

Uncle Robert and Aunt Lisa

My car with the car carrier on it Thanks Uncle Robert

 Burney Falls in California off Hwy 89

Me at Burney Falls

Road people made out of different stuff on Rte 139 they are called garik the brave,9/11,and /Nam Rider

My first campsite of the trip in Tionesta,CA

view from my campsite

my dinner/lunch or is it lunch/dinner

Friday, September 24, 2010

First Stop Sacramento

First off I want to say that i'm sorry I didn't get to see everyone before I left.  I wanted to but with everything going on I just didn't have enough time.  I will miss everyone and I can't wait to see you all when I come home. When I left and started driving and saw the beach I thought O' man im not going to be seeing the Cali beach again for awhile.
Miles I have on my car starting this road trip

 Well im off..and driving.  My first stop is to stay until Sunday here in Sacramento with my Uncle Robert and Aunt Lisa.  I left later then I wanted to so I didn't get here until 7:00pm.  The delay you dang new car carrier.  I'm a dork and just couldn't understand how to get it onto my car.  And since my dad was in Vegas and all my friends were at work I was left looking like a complete dork in the driveway trying to understand it.  O' and it didn't come with instructions just a nice picture on the box of what it will look like once its on the roof.  Why do they do this to me don't companies know I need pictures and instructions to install something?
  So after leaving Santa Maria I headed out on the O so boring I-5.  I mean its long and boring and everything is dead.  Seriously even the corn fields were brown.  My car is packed to the max and I mean Max.  I was praying the whole time that I wouldn't go over some hole on the freeway and pop all 4 brand new tires.  And I must remember I have to take corner's really slow.  I think I felt 2 wheels come off the ground at one point ha ha. 
My last view of the California Coast..O how I will miss it

The dead corn fields on I-5 heading to Sacramento
 After arriving here, which by the way was very hot( o and I got sun burnt on my face and driver arm through the windows..figure that one out.) the three of us went to dinner at some Mexican Restaurant (that apparently they go to a lot cause they know them there), the food was really good.  Then we just came back to the house and chilled.  It's so nice to see family, especially when they are  hella cool and you hardly get to see them. 
  Tomorrow not sure whats going on.  I do know that while im sipping my coffee my Uncle will be on some 20 mile or more bike ride (he usually goes 40 or more).  Hey more power to him I like my downtime in the morning :) .  I saw the seat on his bike and let me just tell does not look comfy.  I don't think a man's umm..'friends' would have much room on the supposedly seat.  I would much rather have a comfy seat that holds all of my butt on it.  Then again that would be one hellva big seat to hold this butt.  I do want to give awesome props to my Aunt who has I think a mountain bike and went out riding for her first time and made it 18 miles. 
  Sorry its not so thrilling for my first day on my road trip..but like I said its not always going to be exciting.
  Have a good day.
Miles Gone Today: 322

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Finally Hitting the Road

I cant believe I am finally getting to hit the road.  To adventure out and see family, friends, and new places.  I have to much I want to see and do that im not sure I will be able to do it all.  I love the open road and meeting new people in the process.  I plan to camp my way across country and back in my little tent.  Let's just hope the money last that long ha ha.
  There may be misspelled words along the way and days when I cant write if there is nothing either happening or no internet.  You cant expect a girl to always have internet when shes camping in a you?
  I will try and list places that I know im going and if you have any suggestions on places to see or things to do along the way feel free to let me know.
  My goal is to one make it cross country safe and sound and two to see how many national parks I can get stamped in my little book. 
  I cant believe my wish is finally coming true.  Ive always wanted to camp my way around to all the states and see different places and try different foods and now I finally get to.  I know I wont hit all the states and all the national parks but even if I only see a couple its worth it to me.
  This blog may be boring to some especially when I just spend time with the family but I wanted to do it not only for myself but the friends that are interested in where im going. 
  Now its just the final count down until I can leave.
 Car is all tires-check,oil,transmission and coolant change-check, windshield wipers-check, exhaust leak fixed-check, power steering noise fixed-check.
  Now I just need to pack my car...